Project 11. . .

The Sewing Box. . .Re-loved

Ages and ages ago I bought this old battered sewing box on legs from a boot sale. It was a bit of a silly buy because it’s quite large but I just really really liked it. Think of it as the craftaholic’s unnecessary purchase. Much like those shoes that sit in the box forever because they just didn’t quite fit the way they should.

Damn. No matter which way I looked at this silly box I couldn’t make it fit in the studio properly, plus it was a bit battered and I couldn’t get to my sewing tools easily. BUT I did need a new display for Deco Paste for the Autumn season of craft events. HELLO solution.


1.) one extremely bulky & quite battered sewing box
2.) a multitude of paints
3.) screwdriver and brute force
4.) peacock stamp
5.) Velvet fabric
6.) hot glue


First I dismantled the box, drawer by drawer. This required one husband, one screwdriver and brute force. As the screws were quite rusted some of them practically fell out and some of them needed. . .persuasion.

2. Then using a scouring pad, I scuffed up all the paintwork on the drawers, this made sure the paint would take.

3.) Then I painted all the boxes in different hand mixed metallic colours. All inspired by the lovely peacock feather.

4.) Once all the frames of the boxes were painted in my nice bright colours, I painted all the insides black.

5.) Then I stamped them all over the outside with my super Peacock stamp which is normally used for business packages. (I couldn’t get a good photograph of this detail though so I’ve included a picture of the stamp on my labels to give you an idea of how it looks.)

6.) Then I changed my mind about the black insides as it just seemed to hard and decided fabric would give a softer finish. Hello sexy old blue velvet fabric. Hello hot glue burns on my wrist. But it was worth it, I’m really pleased that I have managed to make a stall display that reflects the personality of me as a designer and I didn’t spend a penny! BRILLO PADS.

Hope you enjoyed reading this project as much as I enjoyed making it, see you next week for project 12 in Re-Loved 52



Project 10. . .

The Make Do & Mend Dress

So I was on a jolly to London this weekend, sourcing fabulous vintage jewellery for Deco Paste. But I had a little problem with one of my dresses. It was a cheapy one from a chain store I bought a while ago and it literally came apart at the seams. But I needed to pack light & I don’t like wearing my really nice dresses on nights out where I know I’m going to be hopping around the tube. So here’s the gallery showing me sewing up my dress on the go & enjoying a night out with my newly mended dress.



This week I’ll be doing something totally different, stay tuned folks & thanks for reading

